Camping Averted!

One of the ‘chalets’ we will be enjoying. It looks like a shed, but it has plumbing!
Part of this whole traveling thing is learning to know yourself. It is my hope that I’m getting better on the self-knowlege front. For example, I passed up an amazing deal on a Mediterranean cruise because upon thinking about it clearly for, oh, five or ten minutes, I realzed what a terrible idea that would be. (Can you say ‘worse than a repeat of last summer’? I’d be one of those people shuffling into Rome in August with thousands of other people from the same boat to spend six hours there before shuffling back, sweaty and sunburned. Bad idea, Tracy!) If you are a passionate camper and love to spend time exploring countryside areas or hit trekking you know the meaning of a quality tent. Especially if you are planning to stay outside with your family or friends you need a reliable 4 person tents. At one point in your camping life, you will have to buy a tent. This is one of the most important camping equipment, this makes or breaks your adventure. You got out, explore areas, hit tracks, when the sun sets, you shelter and a point where you could get food and replenish energy for future activities. So, having a quality tent is imperative, you cannot survive a campaign without getting one onboard. The tents come in various sizes, shapes, and features integrated. It is not quite a flooded market, but every big or small brand manufactures a tent in this size. If you are planning to go camping with your family or friends, you need to look for a 4-persons tent. This is the most popular size and comes with many upsides that are why the size is very popular in campers. The tents are spacious enough to provide enough space for four people while offering a good amount of space for storing stuff. Even if you are looking for a tent you will use for your own or with your partner. You still can have this sized tent; you will be able to easily move within it without any space issue. Whichever the case, you can have four-person tents.
This is why, less than three days after I’d ‘officially’ planned and booked everything, I re-planned and re-booked two portions of the trip. The camping part has been OFFICIALLY erased, which really sucks since we had found the perfect caravan storage Melbourne already. It was a bad idea for many reasons, not the least of which was the fact that it probably wouldn’t have saved us very much money.
The difference between the campsite and the ‘cottages’ I rented was $80/night–over six nights. That’s a savings of $480, yes, but then consider that I may need a new tent (the one I own is from college, and that was over eight years ago), the fact that we’d need some sort of cooking equipment, and I’m sure scores of other things from Wal Mart to make our camping experience more comfortable and, well, we don’t really end up with that much of a savings.
Do you know what would make our camping experience REALLY comfortable? To be doing it in a cottage complete with a kitchenette, the best camping gear, full bathroom, and queen bed. So that is what we are doing.
Don’t get me wrong–I love nature. Hell, nature is the reason we’re going to all of these places. But I know myself. I’m not the calico-and-corduroy-wearing, not-showering-for-a-week, patchouli-scented wannabe hippie of my youth (oh yeah–I totally used to be that person. Thank god it was before the advent of camera phones or even digital cameras. I have very few photos!) I’m looking forward to getting out into the wilderness, doing some hiking, some beach walking, maybe some sea cave exploration. And then I’m looking forward to a hot shower, a hot meal (with glass of wine), and a soft bed at least eight inches off the ground. That’s who I am now. And that’s ok–as long as I realize it and plan accordingly.
Yes! You can hunt in wilderness.
Huntіng is allowed іn over 40 National Pаrk Service unіtѕ, аbоut a thіrd of thоѕе are wіldеrnеѕѕ аrеаѕ, with that being said, all you need to do is get a hunting license and a 9mm Semi Automatic Rifle Online, if you need ammo for your guns at a great price, you can check out his Bulk 9mm Luger Ammo for Sale.
Wіldеrnеѕѕ areas offer ѕоmе оf the wildest huntіng еxреrіеnсеѕ and often ѕhеltеr thе hеаlthіеѕt game ѕресіеѕ рорulаtіоnѕ, as well аѕ the lаrgеѕt trophy individuals. Mоtоr vеhісlеѕ, game саrtѕ аnd аnу оthеr mechanical devices, trаіl cameras, аnd unmanned аіrсrаft systems (UAS) or drоnеѕ uѕеd for ѕсоutіng are аll prohibited in wіldеrnеѕѕ, if you are going to be hunting you can look into weather proof hunting backpack sales to carry all of the important things you might need during hunting. Many hunters prefer a primitive аnd mоrе сhаllеngіng hunt thаt wіldеrnеѕѕ areas рrоvіdе, at this location the owners have a portable restroom rental because it is in the forest. Wilderness huntіng includes elements of рrіmіtіvе оutdооr ѕkіllѕ аnd сhаllеngе on a fаіr-сhаѕе lаndѕсаре.
I think this is going to be a good trip.
“That’s who I am now. And that’s ok–as long as I realize it and plan accordingly.
I think this is going to be a good trip.”
I think you are growing up… a bit. You don’t want to take it tooooo far though… keep some of the “pacholi/Hippie youth you used to be.
I really believe this trip will be awesome. And I think you will find lots of great ideas for your book, as well as “reconnecting” with hubby. From some of the comments, it sounds like there will be plenty to meet both of your interests.
Toni…aww. Thanks. I hope you are right. And don’t worry–there’s still a little hippie in there. She’s probably going to blossom this next year–I had to kill her when I started teaching. Teaching changed me a lot–not entirely for the better–and I hope to regain some of the old me during my year away. When I started teaching I even cut my hair…which I’ve been growing back for the past 18 months. I think a road trip is a great way to reclaim her…as long as there’s the option for a shower every day (it doesn’t even need to be hot–just a shower!)
Oh yes is does need to be hot- perferably a bath in my opinion….. LOL!
Teaching used to inspire the “hippie” in all of us- and allowed us to inspire it in others (and I grew up/began teaching in the “real” hippie times – even wore the round grannie glasses and long braids and maxie dresses…) but things have changes and it is now so regemented (standarized curriculums, standarized lesson plans, little to no creativitiy in the staff or students allowed… one of the reasons I retired from education when I did. Yes, I had in 30 years, but I was only 51. Could have kept on for another 20 probably, but just didn’t want to considering how I “had” to treat teachers, students, etc.
Wellll…. quite the rant!!! Thanks for the time and space… Any who…..
I think you will *teach* more and teach them better (pardon the akward grammar) through you book.. I’ve just got a good gut feeling about it…. and somehow this (soon to be very) special trip will be part of that.
Toni…well said! The ‘have to’ treat people a certain way thing–to put it bluntly, it sucks.
I’m laughing at your description of you–I didn’t know anyone actually wore those little round glasses…other than John Lennon! Ha!
Thanks for the kind words about and faith in my book. And yes, I think that this trip will help, though I’m not even sure how yet. It’s funny–I tried so many ways to ‘trick’ us out of going on it–I had us flip coins, draw vacation options out of a hat–we even consulted a magic 8 ball (seriously) and EVERY SINGLE TIME ‘fate’ told us to go on this trip. So I guess we really are supposed to go…for some reason I don’t understand yet. It is so unlike me to go into something without a solid plan, but I think I need that right now. That’s the point of my year off–to turn down a different path and just sort of see where it leads.