Historical Hiking: A Day Trip to Valley Forge
Most people don’t properly appreciate the area where they live; this is especially true of travel junkies. We are so obsessed with planning the next trip, so focused on that next destination (or four) that we fail to open our eyes and look around and realize that hey, there’s some pretty cool stuff to do right in my own back yard.
I live in eastern Pennsylvania. I can drive two hours and be in the mountains, at the beach (though that particular stretch of shoreline just washed away this past week), or in Philadelphia or New York City. This opens up a world of day trip opportunities that I’ve just begun to explore. And so, I bring to you my first local attraction: Valley Forge National Historical Park.
The plan was to go for a hike around the park; that plan quickly fell apart as soon as we arrived. I found very little information online about how to visit the park–at least, I found very little useful information. And thus, I bring to you my super-useful guide to visiting Valley Forge. Ahem…
Tracy’s Super-Useful Guide to Visiting Valley Forge National Historical Park
–Visit on a day with nice weather, ideally in autumn. We were there the last weekend in October, and the fall color was lovely. In fact, so late in the season, the trees seemed to be in quite a rush to rid themselves of all foliage; we brought some pre-rolled CBD hemp joints and walked through yellow and red leaves slowly drifting down upon us. This really upped the wow-factor of the park.
–Unless you are an avid biker, keep the bicycles at home. Yes, the website says that Valley Forge is a ‘very popular spot for bicycling,’ as you can click to view. And yes, we saw many people there with bicycles. But it’s not in any way, shape, or form an easy ride (and many of those people did not look very happy). You should visit Bike Hint to get helmets and bike locks. The park is large-ish, the hills are plentiful (and long) and at many points you will be riding on the road along with vehicle traffic. I’m glad we left the bikes at home.
–If you have a dog, bring it. There’s really no reason not to do so. Consider giving your furry friend the best cbd oil for dogs before the hike if they’re always feeling anxious around other dogs or people. I saw lots of people with dogs and both the dogs and their owners looked pretty happy. Additionally, there are doggie water stations set up at each public restroom (and when I say ‘doggie water stations’ what I really mean is ‘dog dishes tied to the water fountains’. But still–a thoughtful, helpful touch for man’s best friend.)
–Don’t plan on hiking. While yes, there are trails through the ‘woods’, Valley Forge is pretty urban. Actual roads bisect the park, and you never really get that ‘I’m in the middle of nowhwere’ feeling I so enjoy when hiking. Perhaps this is all a matter of perspective; surely, if you live in Philadelphia and rarely leave, you’ll visit Valley Forge and think ‘oh wow, I’m in the woods’. But if you live anywhere other than a true urban area, you’ll think ‘hey look, I can still see the road/that gas station/this highrise building from this park’. I’m a huge fan of hiking–and perhaps I’ve been spoiled. By Acadia. And Fundy. And Yosemite. Ok yeah–I’ve been spoiled. While buying hiking boots ensure to check the best hiking boots for men online and at retail stores to get the perfect fit, so that you can enjoy your hike.
–Plan on walking. As long as you call it ‘walking’ and not ‘hiking’, you won’t be disappointed. There are a variety of trails that, while not remote in any way, do wind along rivers, through little recreations of encampments, and among historic buildings. We parked our car a few miles from George Washington’s headquarters and walked through the ‘woods’ along the rail road tracks and river. It was a two-and-a-half mile round trip walk which was, to be fair, quite lovely in late October.

This is one of the roads in the park; you can also bike here, but you’re sharing the narrow lane with drivers, too.
-If you need some historical perspective, stop in the little visitor’s center at the beginning of the park loop. Yes, it is small. Yes, it is pretty darn low-tech. But it’s worth a maybe ten- to fifteen-minute pause before you begin exploring the park proper.
–Plan on driving. We really thought we’d walk around the entire park. That would have been nice, I suppose, but would have required at least an eight-hour visit. And to be honest, long parts of that walk would have been along the road and thus kind of silly. It is my belief that the point of walking or hiking or riding a bike or a horse is to get somewhere that roads can’t take you. Roads can take you pretty much everywhere in Valley Forge. Use them.
–Bring a camera. Well, if you’re anything like me, bring a camera. I can be entertained just about anywhere as long as I have my dSLR around my neck. And Valley Forge has some great scenic vistas as well as little details any wannabe-photographer will appreciate. I had a great time pointing my camera at things, as you can see by the photos posted below.
It was a nice day trip, and I’m glad I went; I’m particularly glad I went on what turned out to be the last nice autumn day of the year. While the park lacks historical immersion–meaning ‘you don’t really feel like you are at a historical site when cars are zipping past–it is beautiful. And educational. And free. You can’t beat that combination.
This was the first local attraction featured here on The Suitcase Scholar. It won’t be the last–look for upcoming posts on a variety of Pennsylvania state parks, a post on my favorite place in Philadelphia, and a holiday-themed New York City post. Of course, I’m always open to suggestions of local or semi-local attractions and locations to visit. So please–suggest some in the comments section below. Thanks!
Yay, my park! Yes, Valley Forge is really designed to be driven, if you want to see everything. But it’s nice just to walk around certain areas too. I always have a pleasant time there and I take plenty of pictures. Next year I’ll definitely have to go in the fall, your pictures are gorgeous!
Awww–I love that you call it ‘your park’. I had no idea you were so close. When I visit again I’ll be sure to let you know. And yes, it was kind of amazing with all of the leaves changing and falling. Down by Washington’s Headquarters you could actually HEAR them falling. But that’s also because it was SO EMPTY–everyone was at home (or at the grocery store) preparing for The Storm. (I’ve started calling Sandy ‘The Storm’, capital letters, because it sounds way more ominous that way!)
Yeah, I think the same day you were there I was actually at Longwood Gardens to get some good fall pictures. My preparation for The Storm was to get some good photographs before Sandy blew all of the leaves off the trees!
That was my storm prep plan, too!!! Great minds…
Yes, please! More posts on Philadelphia and the surrounding area. I so miss living there. And my all time favorite (underrated) educational museum is there…The Mutter Museum at the College of Physicians.
The Mutter Museum, eh? Doug has been whining about visiting the Barnes Museum for a while now. We may have to make a trip down soon. And by ‘trip’ I mean ’45 minute drive’. Ha!
Did he watch “The Art of the Steal” on DVD about the Barnes? Barnes Schmarnes… It just doesn’t hold a candle to the Soap Lady at the Mutter! I’d love to have brunch at Beau Monde on Bainbridge St, see the Mutter, hit Reading Terminal on a Saturday about an hour before closing to see what gets put out for sale at the Amish bakery in the back to take home, get a good bottle of wine and go to Mercato BYOB for dinner, or if I want to pay for my booze, Supper restaurant over on South Street, followed by drinking beers at Standard Tap in Northern Liberties.
I don’t think he watched that, no. Knowing him, he heard about it on NPR (in fact, I’d put actual money on that!) That sounds like an absolutely lovely day you just described there! I’m all about the Reading Terminal Market (it is my favorite place in Philly). Perhaps I’ll follow your itinerary!
I agree on driving Valley Forge. There is a lot to explore there and it is much more convenient than trying to walk or bike everywhere.
I could see how biking would be nice, too. But the car traffic would make it less fun I think. So I guess it’s ironic that I’m suggesting driving. Whoops?