Kid to Kid: Advice from a Teen Travel Photographer

As a travel blogger, I’ve spent a good deal of time working to improve my travel photography. And while my technical skills could still use a lot of work, I feel I return home from most of my trips with at least a few dozen good shots. But the one thing I struggle with is how to capture the faces of the people who live in the places I visit. Which is why I was beyond impressed when one of my 8th grade students showed me her stunning portrait photographs from her recent Southeast Asia trip. A lot of medical practitioners have committed medical malpractices in a method or the opposite on patients for treatments. as an example , a medical doctor might recommend an unnecessary surgery to a patient for injury sustained, but rather than the operation to heal the head injury with the help of head injury lawyer, you were ready to discover through many medical checkups through with another doctor that the surgery did worsened it. The patient that this went on to will file a lawsuit because he/she understands the medical malpractice guide well. But this is often quite unfortunate lately that a lot of individuals that have similar or related medical malpractice have happened to not know their rights, Click here to read the concept of medical malpractice lawyer. We’ve all heard the horror stories: the stories about people who have had rags, surgical tools, sponges and other objects left inside of them after an operation. Then there are those who go to the hospital, find out they need to have a limb amputated and then the wrong limb gets removed. These types of cases are rare but they do happen. If you want to avoid surgery altogether, consider getting regenerative treatment at this website.
Medical malpractice attorneys know how to handle such cases. They know that, as the patient, or the family of the patient, you are entitled to compensation for any damage caused by failed medical care. So if you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice, it’s important to find a good medical malpractice attorney. We’ve all heard the horror stories: the stories about people who have had rags, surgical tools, sponges and other objects left inside of them after an operation. Then there are those who go to the hospital, find out they need to have a limb amputated and then the wrong limb gets removed. These types of cases are rare but they do happen. Medical malpractice attorneys know how to handle such cases. They know that, as the patient, or the family of the patient, you are entitled to compensation for any damage caused by failed medical care. So if you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice, it’s important to find a good malpractice attorney. When you visit the doctor or go to the hospital, you expect the best care possible. Unfortunately, doctors and surgeons are people too; and sometimes they make mistakes. If the mistake is something minor, you might not need to contact an NYC Law Firm ASK4SAM. If the medical malpractice causes you to become disabled, more ill than you were when you entered the doctor’s office or hospital, or if it has caused the death of one of your loved ones, then you definitely need a good attorney so that you may be compensated for everything entitled to you. Most people think that by hiring a medical malpractice attorney, you’re only looking to get rich. However, most people who win their malpractice cases, or receive a settlement, have to pay the attorney, they have to pay for their medical expenses caused by the malpractice, and they have to support themselves if they’re out of work due to their new injuries. All of those payouts can quickly drain any settlement a person may receive for malpractice reasons. It’s not a way to get rich. Instead, hiring a medical malpractice attorney and winning your case is vindication for the wrong that’s been done to you, and it will also teach the doctor or surgeon a lesson.
Some set of people are suffering from cases like this, and that they didn’t do anything because they don’t realize it are some things they will fight against. We cannot still let people suffer within the hands of medical practitioners that fail to try to to the proper things in treating a patient. Our team has shown concern by trying to treat the difficulty so everyone can act when necessary to correct the wrongdoings in our society in these modern days. we’ve included the required things to be done and when to hold out the lawsuit if you’ve got been subjected to medical malpractice by medical personnel before. And by ‘beyond impressed’ I mean ‘inspired and awed’.
I can’t help but think that there is a lot that I (and other aspiring travel bloggers and photographers) can learn from this thirteen-year-old girl; the girl who captured the beautiful images featured below. So I sat down with her and talked to her about her trip and about her photography. This is what I learned…
Advice from a Teen Travel Photographer
When did you start taking photos on your travels?
My family has always traveled a lot, but mostly around the US or to different islands in the Caribbean. Because of that, the photos I’ve taken in the past were mostly pictures of nature or pictures of places–not pictures of people.
This was our first ‘big’ trip; our first time truly out of the country, and for this trip, I focused on getting photos of the people.
Why was portrait photography your focus?
We found great travel deals on Genting Promotion and decided to go to Southeast Asia. I knew I wanted to get to know the people, to interact with them. I knew that, to understand this part of the world, I really had to connect with the people who lived there. So it made sense that my photos would focus on the people as well.
How do you approach people to ask for a photo?
The first hurdle is the language barrier, so there was a lot of gesturing–you just sort of point to the camera and smile and ask. Visit to learn some common phrases. But I found that the whole culture was just…so accepting. And so friendly. They would even offer to have you hold their child to take the picture. It was so amazing to interact with them; they were so kind.
Did anyone refuse to let you take a photo? How did you deal with that?
There were people who didn’t understand; they would just laugh and walk away. So you thank them and move on. Thanking is crucial!
What advice would you give to people who want to take portrait photos but are afraid?
The way I think about it, these people are on the other side of the earth. You’re not going to see them again. Plus, they might enjoy having their photo taken–it’s likely not something they have done very often. You shouldn’t be afraid to do something like that–it is just interacting with people. As long as you are polite and thank them, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Well, there you have it, folks. Wise words from a 14-year-old girl. Thanks, Kira. I may be your teacher, but there’s clearly a lot that I can learn from you, too.
Kira’s Photos
Please note: Aside from her amazing photos, all words are also Kira’s. I didn’t even really have to edit them. And she agreed to do this interview and write these descriptions out of the goodness of her heart. Perhaps I should offer her some extra credit?
Ya Ya
This is a picture of Ya Ya. She was one of the orphans at the Cambodian Children Sanctuary. We asked our tour guide Sopiana to take us to an orphanage that wasn’t popular with tourists, and he took us to a man who lives with the children. He is a whole-hearted man.
We played and interacted with these children for a majority of our day. It was the HIGHLIGHT of our trip. This was one of my favorite photos of the trip because it was the best day and best expeirince. Ya Ya was one of the most interactive and loving kids that we met.
Rice Paddy Girl
On our last day in Cambodia we went on a four-wheeling adventure. The guide took us to a rice field–there are thousands throughout southeast Asia–and he was explaining how rice was prepared; when we turned around she was standing there in the middle of nowhere. She wouldn’t talk; she just smiled and tilted her head. She was adorable. We assumed she was homeless and lived in the fields. Our one regret about the trip was not interacting more with her. We wish we could go back and get her.
Chiang Mai Beauty
We were in Chang Mai and went to visit the long-neck tribe. This was a girl that lived with the long necks. She was beautiful. This picture is perfect because it symbolizes the beauty of the people and of that culture.
Laos Mamma
This was in a very remote village in Laos, the Mong Village. Before arriving we had been in a boat going down the Mekong River for about two hours. It was so far away from civilization. It was like a movie. There were about twenty people, mud, and a cow with a bell.
When we arrived children ran up to us and held out purses that their parents had hand-made. In one of the huts there was a mother and young child. I asked to take their picture and she nodded and made no expression; that made the picture perfect.
Do you have any questions or comments for Kira? She’d love to hear from you! Please start or add to the conversation in the comments below.
Kira Koehler currently finishing up her 8th grade year at Eyer Middle School in Macungie, PA. She is addicted to field hockey. Kira also enjoys soccer, tennis, skiing, and scuba diving–she got certified at age 10; it was her birthday present that year. (How awesome is that?) She really likes to travel and feels very fortunate and thankful to have spent time in SE Asia.
Pass along my compliments (tell her it’s from a former middle-school assistant principal – or vice principal if that’s the term your school uses). She show some amazing talent, and good insights as well as a ‘good eye’.
She has a real career option in photography or photo journalism if she wants it. She should start NOW taking courses at a local community college if they will let her!
I will pass along your compliments. Thanks, Toni!
Wow! I’m really impressed, too. I’ve always been too shy to approach people and ask for their photos (and I’m way older than Kira!). That’s one of the reasons I usually just focus on the landscapes. Seriously, I agree with Toni. Kira is a future photojournalist for sure. This is great work.
Yeah, extrovert though I am, I’m also uncomfortable with approaching people. I think that’s part of why I’m so impressed with Kira’s work; she isn’t afraid to communicate with people (even with a language barrier). In fact, connecting with people was the GOAL of her trip. She’s an awesome kid!
What a beautiful article with gorgeous photos! Thanks for creating it!
Thank you for checking it out! I know Kira is thrilled that so many people are getting to share in the story and images of her trip!
She is an fantastic photographer, she should consider that as a career.
WOW Kira!!! These are not only amazing and stunning photographs, your words are so perfect in describing the moment that was captured! You have a LONG and SUCCESSFUL career ahead of you. I also love taking pictures of people when I travel and find that most do enjoy having their picture taken. I also ask for their email address so I can send the picture (or pictures) to them as well. It’s amazing how much they appreciate this (especially if they don’t happen to have their own camera with them). Interacting with people is probably my favorite thing about solo travel. I actually met an awesome family on vacation from Germany while taking their picture on a beach in Galveston, TX. I was on my way to the bathroom and saw the older girl trying to get a selfie of her and her Mom on her iphone. I offered to take the picture for them and then it became a mini photo shoot as they brought the Dad and little sister in for Family shots! They are highlighted in a post on my blog:
Kira, You are SUCH an inspiration to not only young people that may have never taken a photo before, but to older and experienced photographers too. I am inspired by you and will share this post and your story with everyone I can!