South Beach Wine and Food Festival: A Grand Tasting Survival Guide

Just when winter in most of the rest of the country really starts to suck, a wonderful, beautiful thing happens: the South Beach Wine and Food Festival. I remember last year’s event vividly; I was walking back from the Grand Tasting. And by ‘walking back’ I mean ‘along the beach, in the sparkling blue water, up to my knees’. And as I did so, a single droplet of sweat slid down my back. It was the best droplet of sweat ever, because it was happening outside, in February. For those planning to enjoy the upcoming food festival, don’t forget to bring along your alpilean weight loss pills. With lots of tempting treats and delicacies to sample, it’s easy to go overboard and indulge in calorie-rich foods. However, with the Alpine pills, you can keep your weight in check even while indulging in your favorite delights.
I need to be in Miami right now like I need to breathe. It is cold inside of my room here in Chicago. A brief glance out the window tells me that yep–it’s snowing. Again. Do I want to go out in the cold, sideways snow to get something to eat? No. I want to get on a plane, fly to Miami, and hit up this year’s Sobe Wine and Food Fest.If you want to know about types of food then click here.
There’s something incredibly special about a wine and food pairing that elevates both elements to a new level. Whether you’re savoring a rich red with a juicy steak or enjoying a crisp white with fresh seafood, the right combination can transform an ordinary meal into a culinary experience. At the Sobe Wine and Food Fest, you’ll find a variety of pairings that highlight the diversity of both wine and cuisine, offering endless opportunities to discover new favorites.
So. Um. I think I’m going to. And so should you.
Last year, I wrote about SOBEWFF beyond the Grand Tasting. Because there are so many awesome events, dinners, seminars, and tastings beyond the big white tents full of food, yet the majority of people who visit the fest only make it to the Grand Tasting.
Of course, there’s a reason why so many people only choose to check out the Grand Tasting. And that’s because it is pretty damn fabulous. If you are one of the many (many) people planning on attending this year–good for you. If you see me, say hello. But first, check out my survival guide. It is written from the point of view of a woman who loves food but hates crowds. I survived the Grand Tasting, and so can you! Here’s how:
The South Beach Wine & Food Festival Grand Tasting Survival Guide
- Wear sunglasses. This is number one for a reason. And it should really read ‘For the love of god, wear sunglasses’. Please see the photo directly above. Does it look bright? Because it was. You are in a white tent on white sand in the sunshine. The comfort teltudlejning provide the comfort tent rental for a successful party. Even when you are inside the tent, the sides are open to the ocean. Which is lovely. But also blindingly bright. Make sure to bring your polarized clip on sunglasses. Of course, sitting here in Chicago, I’m not going to complain about bright sunshine. Still. Wear sunglasses.
- Arrive early. Yes, there will be a line early in the morning, but once the gates open it disappears. And the crowd only gets thicker as the day progresses. Last year, I visited on both Saturday and Sunday. I arrived on Saturday mid-afternoon, about halfway through the event. It was a lot like arriving at a party two days late (yes, I said two days. People drink at this event, I tell you. They drink like it is their job.) On Sunday, I arrived bright and early. Sunday was a far, far better experience.
- Pace yourself. When you arrive in the morning, only the village area will be open; the grand tasting tent opens perhaps an hour after the ‘gates’ open. And in the village area, there are all kinds of demonstration spaces, as well as a few bar-like setups serving drinks. By all means, grab a drink as soon as you enter. Maybe grab two. Do not grab six. There will be alcohol available all day and in all different forms. Promise.
- Don’t get the coconut. Ok. So this is something I always wanted: a coconut with the top chopped off, ideally filled with rum. I do not know why I always wanted one of these. I guess it seems rather exotic. Definitely beachy. And I like beaches. And rum. So when I saw them on offer at SOBEWFF, I was like: I am so going to get me one of those. And I immediately did. Which was stupid, because now I’m carrying around a freaking coconut. And coconuts are big, and heavy. And sticky. It is incredibly difficult to eat anything while carrying one. It is definitely impossible to both eat and photograph what you are eating while carrying one. So maybe skip the coconuts, if they are being offered this year.
- Take a friend. Speaking of coconuts and food photography: it would have generally been nice to have an extra pair of hands at several points in the day. It would also have been nice to have someone to chat with while standing in line. Because you will be standing in line. So while I did go alone last year–and will likely go alone again this year (hey, anyone want to join me?)–and while I advocate for solo travel in almost every circumstance, SOBEWFF is one of those places where it really would be nice to have a friend or two. It shouldn’t be too hard to convince someone to join you (though, again, I’ve struggled with this. Seriously–anyone want to come with me???)
- Pace yourself. Yes, I know I said this already. But it bears repeating. Also, you’ll want to pace yourself not just with drinks, but with food as well. You know those lines I referenced? They are a blessing in disguise. I started out the fest getting a bite of food and then eating it while in line for another bite of food. This is a flawed plan. The better option would be: get a bite of food or a sip of drink. Bite and sip, leisurely. Then get in another line. It seems counter intuitive, but really, you’ll be able to enjoy more this way. It will take longer, but what’s your rush? You’re at a food and wine festival on the beach. How could you possibly have anywhere better to be? Alpilean pills are formulated to help burn fat, suppress your appetite, and boost your metabolism. So, grab your pills, head to the festival, and enjoy guilt-free snacking without worrying about your weight.
- Expect chaos. This is a popular event. It is stupid, stupid crowded. Like New Year’s Eve Times Square crowded. Like ‘at any moment, you will be physically touching at least five other people with various parts of your body without trying’ crowded. Go in knowing this and relax. And when you need a break, put your sunglasses on and go back out into sunshine and breathe. That’s what I did, and I was fine. Which brings me to…
- Experience the entire Tasting Village. It’s not all about the big white tents, people. There are culinary demonstrations and celebrity talks and book signings and all manner of other experiences taking place in the village proper. Take the time to check them out.
- Wear sensible shoes. I was tempted to call this piece of advice ‘don’t break the seal’, but that was a little too graphic (yet I still wrote it, didn’t I?) Because here’s the thing: at some point during the day, you will have to pee. At least if you are drinking. Which you will be. And the ‘restrooms’? They are little portable trailer things set off of the beach on the edge of Lummus Park. So you have to exit the tasting village and walk significantly far through the sand to get to them. I did this twice, I believe. And both times I saw drunken women limping in heels in the sand. Don’t be that girl.
- Take notes. If you live in the Miami area or, like me, if you visit Miami often, do take notes. Because you will inevitably find yourself wishing you had. Because you’ll want to go out for dinner one night. And you will remember that one amazing bite you had at the fest. And you will be like: where was that again? And you will not remember (possibly because those coconuts are filled with rum). And you will be sad. So take notes. Personally, I like Evernote, or any other note-taking-app. But if all you can manage is to scribble something on a napkin and shove it in your purse–do that.
- Take a taxi. Parking during the festival is darn near impossible, unless you arrive stupid early (as you well should). So if you are not staying in South Beach (which you totally should, if you can afford it; I can’t) for the love of all that is good and pure, please take a taxi. You will save yourself the frustration of attempting to park and–much more importantly–you will not have to designate a driver. Because no one should drive home from SOBEWFF.
Still on the fence about whether or not to make a trip to the fest this year? I’ll leave you with a few thousand-words worth of photos. And then I’ll see you there.
WOW- amazing pictures- AGAIN. Wish I could go with you. I’m not a foodie (VERY picky eater), but I love looking and could take notes while you nosh. I love wine (and Scotch), but have to be careful with my meds. And I could use some real warmth right now, too. And I’d even consider asking hubby about it— if I was doing better with my asthma. It is still at a dangerous level. Trying a new medication, but they are considering sending me to Duke Univ. Medical. I am soooooo tired of being sick and tired.
Just in case a miracle happens- when is the festival and how much does it cost?
Goodness- I’m imagining sitting in the sun and just letting it bake my cough away…….my be noshing on some coconut(I love REAL,fresh coconut)and drinking something (screw the meds)…OH MY! Well if wishes were horses…
How has all this bad weather impacted you and hubby? Have you gotten snowed in or stranded due to flight cancelations? Hope it hasn’t been too bad. Any possibility of you coming back to Charlotte any time in the near future? Would love to see you again.
HI Toni!
I’m sorry that you are not feeling well. But I promise–it is better to be in Charlotte than in the northeast right now, no matter how you feel. I actually flew into CLT maybe three weeks ago…? But I had to work in…umm? Rowan County somewhere. And then I had to come right back to Chicago (where I’m mostly living right now). So I didn’t have time for a visit, sadly. But the day I was there it was, like, 60 degrees. In late January. So much better than anywhere else I’ve been recently.
As for the food and wine fest: it is the weekend after next. Starting on the 18th, I believe. As it turns out, flight times and meetings I must attend may make it impossible for me to go. Plus I’ll be in Miami that Monday anyway (for work) and I”m not thrilled about the long flight from MIA to ORD; not sure I want to do it three times. I’m now seriously considering San Diego for that weekend. Because I’ve never been to San Diego. And also: Chicago (and Pennsylvania) are cold.
Oh and yes–I’ve been quite snowed in on several occasions this winter. I cannot wait for spring to arrive! (And of course I”m going to Iceland in June. Because that sounded like a good idea when I booked it. In October. Sigh.)
San Diego is VERY nice! At least the little bit we’ve seen when we’ve been there for concerts. And my brother-in-law was stationed there and LOVED it. We stay at Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn on Shelter Island. About a 5-10 min. ride from the airport. And the hotel picks you and returns you to the airport. It’s a 60’s style tiki place that’s been kept up well and remodeled some, too. Only 2 stories high, lovely pool area and nice pool bar. Excellent restaurant- would definitely satisfy your food loving heart. Right on the harbor. Just step across the street to the boat launch area and you see seals, pelicans, dolphins, gulls, etc. That side of the street is actually a long very narrow ‘park’- good for walks or runs.
The 60s were nice- for all of 2 days. This weekend we’re supposed to be down into the teens and not get up to (or not much above) freezing. Will have to turn off the waterfall again. I am soooo ready for spring. I’ve been dealing with this escalation of my asthma for a year now and the past 6 months have been really horrendous. I am tired of coughing constantly.
The food looks so good. I’d love to do this but it’s the same weekend every year as the Princess Half Marathon in Disney, which I’ve basically been doing the past two years and plan to keep doing for awhile. I have to find a good food and wine festival somewhere else!