Please Stop Calling 2016 The Worst Year Ever: Travels and Trials

This post was supposed to be a rant. I was gearing up to be all indignant about the current barrage of memes and cartoons declaring 2016 to be The Worst Year Ever. And I wanted to be like:
You know. Because one should always respond to a meme with a meme.
Also: rest in peace, Gene Wilder. Jesus, 2016 did really suck, huh?
Anyway. I was all like: bitch, please. I assure you, I actually did have a horrific 2016. As did many other thousands of people suffering with personal loss or illness. Or, you know–poverty, hunger, or civil war. But then I realized three things.
- My pain does not negate the pain of others, even if I perceive my pain to be greater (because of course I do–it’s MY pain.)
- I have a saying. It’s a saying I created. And that saying is: just because it could be worse doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be better. I feel that saying applies here.
- It’s actually kind of nice to know that I’m not alone in hating this year. Some of those memes and cartoons are actually reassuring. I’m like YES, let 2016 BURN!
So instead of ranting, I stopped and thought about 2016. I looked back over the year and tried to determine if it really was the worst year ever. And I thought about all of the good things that happened. In keeping with the theme of my life, most of those good things were travel related. Because of course they were.
And that’s the thing about travel—it has this uncanny way of redeeming even the worst of times. No matter how chaotic or exhausting life gets, there’s something about stepping into a new place, feeling the sun on your skin, and losing yourself in an adventure that makes it all feel a little more bearable. Like that time I found myself zipping around Oahu, the wind in my hair, taking in the breathtaking coastline and feeling, for the first time in a long time, completely and utterly free.
It was one of those small but profound moments that reminded me why I love to explore. If you’ve ever needed a reason to just go—whether to escape, reset, or simply revel in the joy of discovery—take this as your sign. And if Hawaii is calling your name, let’s be real, there’s no better way to see the island than on two wheels.
The Scooter Rental Hawaii website makes it ridiculously easy to get yourself a ride, so you can focus on soaking up the experience instead of dealing with logistics. Because in the end, those spontaneous, wind-in-your-face kind of moments? Those are the ones that stay with you.
And I wondered: did the good outweigh the bad? I wasn’t sure. So I did what any sane person would do. I assigned numerical values to everything that happened in 2016 to determine if it really was the worst year ever. You know–using math.
For me, 2016 was a year which I began unemployed and diagnosed with really scary cancer. Here’s how that worked out for me mathematically (and because I realize this is a lot of words, don’t worry–there’s a TL;DR synopsis at the end).
All numerical values are between -100 and 100, -100 being the worst thing ever, zero being joy-neutral, and 100 being something akin to ‘lying on the floor covered in puppies while being fed oysters and handed piles of hundred dollar bills’.
Went to Disney World with my mom. +50
Cancelled a solo trip to Stockholm. -10
Ended up in the ER due to pain. Had gallbladder and appendix removed. -10
Drove over a snowy mountain to a little valley in West Virginia on my first-ever fully sponsored and paid travel writing gig. +10*
*only +10 because this was the week after my surgery so I was still in pain and also the snowy mountain drive was scary.
Diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. -50
Cried. A lot. -10
Mom gave me the funds* to take one final trip; I chose to visit friends in a nearby state over doing something exotic because I thought I was going to die and thus wanted to say goodbye. No points awarded; this kind of zeros out, positive and negative as it was.
*Recall that I’ve been unemployed for an entire year at this point. So like, I’m broke.
Had what is often referred to as The Mother of All Surgeries. -100 (Note if you read that article: that’s actually exactly the procedure I had. Exactly that.)
Recovered from surgery. -100
Missed the first week of training for my new job because it was only 23 days after surgery. -10
Made it to the second week of training for my new job, which involved staying at generic mid-range business class hotel and which made me feel like a human again for the first time in a really long time. +50
Took my first post-surgery road trip, which involved a stop at a lobster roll shack and a brewery; was able to eat lobster roll and drink beer. +50
Had my first real day of work in over a year, at a travel-requiring job. +50
Spent a work-travel-adjacent morning at Watkins Glen State Park and was able to make it halfway down the gorge even in my physically-compromised state. +50
My husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary on a Florida Keys road trip and in Key West with friends. +50
Stopped in Disney World on my way to a conference north of Orlando. +10
Snuck out of said conference for one evening and returned to Disney World for dinner and fireworks with a friend. +10
Fourth of July trip to Cape May with my mom. +50
Worked in the Hudson Valley; did Hudson Valley things. +10
Worked in Tennessee; visited Jack Daniels Distillery, Country Music Hall of Fame, one honky tonk, and a great restaurant where I befriended a pilot. +50
Worked in Florida, during which I also managed to spend an afternoon at a Palm Beach beach, spend a day in Disney with my Disney friend, and meet up with friends in Tallahassee for drinks and dinner. +100
Worked outside of Chicago; took an early flight and spent the day in the city I missed most of all. Ate a hotdog. Saw an old friend. +50
Worked a lot, mainly in the northeast. Made enough money to, like, pay my mortgage and stuff. +50
Spent yet another week in Disney World, this time with my husband and mother. +50
Crossed the Hudson one million times (because work). Neutral, as yay work but boo George Washington Bridge.
Watched Trump win the election with friends from a hotel room in Paramus, New Jersey. -80
More crossing of the Hudson. Neutral.
Christmas at home with my family. +10
A note on 2016: every photo in the header collage was from this year, beginning with me being in the hospital the second time (second out of three times.) Joy is possible always.
Ok. That was a lot. And I didn’t do math as I went, so I’m hoping this is going to turn out like I thought it would. Fingers are crossed as I add and subtract.
The total score for 2016 is…a positive integer! 340 to be specific, with a margin of error of maybe 20 because math is hard. Still, definitely on the right side of zero.
And here’s something else I want to point out: I assigned ‘being diagnosed with cancer’ -50 points and I assigned ‘first day of work’ +50 points. I really deeply thought about this. Because as shitty as shitty things can be, wonderful things can be wonderful. And you should never allow the bad to carry more weight.
In fact, the bad only exists to make the good shine more brightly.
TL;DR version: at least in my life, more good than bad happened in 2016. And this is coming from me. The ever pessimistic one. The one who just made a crappy meme about being disemboweled.
Let that sink in for a minute.
And then I urge you–make your own list. What did you do this year that was positive? Tell me about all of the good things that happened in your life in 2016. They don’t even need to be travel related. Heck, I got a puppy, which was definitely a +100 event but which is also the opposite of travel related, as his existence makes travel more difficult and frankly less desirable, as a puppy on a couch is pretty much the best thing ever.
I’d like to end this with some kind of positive statement about 2017. But this was a lot of positivity for me at one time. So for now: here’s hoping your 2017 is moderately bearable.
Happy New Year.
What a great idea about how to look back on a time period. I’m glad that your year ‘turned out’ better than you thought it might. (by the way, I think a puppy or a kitten should get double points). I did a post on Rick Steves’ website for Christmas and made up my own ‘Irish’ type blessing. One line was “May your joys be doubled and your problems halved”. I think that is my wish for 2017 for everyone. 2016 was a really difficult year. My mother-in-law (and best friend) fell and broke her shoulder and had to have replacement surgery and had more major heart problems which delayed recovery. But she did recover and is home after almost half a year. AND her other son and his wife moved back here to live with her (my son and his family bought their own home and moved out of hers). My son and his wife had a second child – a Boy! We thought I might have a very rare form of melanoma…. but I don’t!!!! I started a new medication that seems to be helping my cough asthma. Hubby is having liver problems on top of his cancer problems. But it is NOT the cancer spreading to his liver ! Just a complication of his cancer treatment and we can deal with that. My mom is doing a bit better. Our business is doing a LOT better! My daughter is woking in a new job- still in education but not having to deal directing in the classroom day after day. Hubby was chosen as the Panther’s ‘suite owner of the year’ and got to be on the field for opening ceremonies on Christmas day…. but I didn’t get to go to the game due to a nasty stomach bug. And I’m really enjoying my ceramics class.
Over all….. a better year than not.
May our joys be doubled, and our problems halved
May we be a blessing to others on the road (real as we travel and figurative too)
and May we see the problems as tiny and the blessings and joys as huge in the moment and not just when we reflect on them a year from now.
Happy NEW Year!
I am also ready to boot 2016 out the door!!! It was a “too busy” year for me. I am feeling accomplished though, so that is a huge positive. I learned about binge watching on Netflix. In January I watched all 5 seasons of Breaking Bad in about 2 weeks. Had to cram it in because tax season was right around the corner. No life from Feb 1-April 18!! Tax season started with an unsuccessful kidney stone procedure on February 4. A stent was put in place and successful procedure got rid of that stone on March3. March 4 found me in the hospital with a raging infection and 4 days of IV antibiotics. My Mom moved into Country Meadows on April 2 unaided by me as I was into my 80+ hour work weeks. It went well considering this control freak wasn’t there. Right after tax season ended I put Mom’s home up for sale and started packing it’s belongings up. What a job!! Two weeks after it went on the market the heat pump died and had to be replaced. There were a lot of factors which made this much more stressful than it should have been. In June my son David graduated from his electrical apprenticeship. I mention this because he always starts with enthusiasm and never finishing things. He attended classes 2 nights a week for 5 years!!! I am a proud Mom!! There was an awesome week in Cape May in July. Settlement on Mom’s house was July 27. In September I took one of my best friend to her condo in Ocean City, MD. She has been diagnosed with early dementia. It was a bittersweet trip, as her memory is so affected. I also attended my first class reunion. It was our 45th!! In late September I started a home improvement project. I was going to remove wallpaper that was peeling; from just one wall in my living room and paint it. Turned into removing all walpaper from living room, ripping up wall-to-wall carpeting, and having hardwood floors refinished in living room, dining room, and two bedrooms. Floors were just finished December 21. I’m still unpacking everything I had to pack in order to clear all those rooms. On November 7 I left for Florida and did not return home until December 9. I spent 4 wonderful weeks with my friends in Ft. Myers Beach at their home there. December 4th it was off to Disneyworld!! My Christmas this year was filled with family, friends, fun and food!!
Today my new computer arrived and once again I feel overwhelmed. It will work out though. Time and patience!
My appetite for music was well fed this year. I saw Neil Diamond on two consecutive nights. My favorite local group, The Large Flowerheads performed many dates which I was able to attend. On June 12 I had the pleasure of seeing Ringo for the first time!!! Amazing!!! On June 17 it was Dolly Parton at the Mann in Philadelphia. I saw Huey Lewis and the news in July at the Sands. August 26 was the highlight of my music events this year. Rod Stewart, second row seats!!! Need I say more? September wrapped up my shows this year with Herman’s Hermits and Elton John. 2017 is off to a good music start. Neil Diamond in June!!
On another musical note, I can’t shake the passing of David Bowie. We must have had some past-life stuff!!
By reading your past year I was motivated to rehash my own. It has been very cathartic!!! Thanks Tracy and Happy, Healthy New Year.
You are amazing. This: “Because as shitty as shitty things can be, wonderful things can be wonderful. And you should never allow the bad to carry more weight.” Love this so much. And I hope your 2017 is WAY better than 2016, despite all the positives you did have!
So I’m not sure why, but this comment made me cry (that wasn’t supposed to rhyme). Glad you liked this. May your 2017 be wonderful as well. I’ll be cheering for you on Sunday!
We just found your blog in looking for Santa Fe info. We live on San Juan Island in Washington.
We LOVE your writing and hope you are still having good post-surgery results and 2017 is on the positive spectrum. We will look forward to being entertained with future posts.
Also, how was the Inn on the Alemeda? We are staying there in May!
Thank you! And yes, I’m doing very, very well. I’ll never be exactly the same again, but I’m better than I could have hoped. I’m leaving in three weeks for my first international trip since this all went down. I’m super excited.
And the Inn on the Alemeda was FANTASTIC. I would not hesitate to recommend it, and I’d return in a hot second. While in Santa Fe, if you have a car, can I recommend driving up to Ghost Ranch. If you want more info on this, I have a blog post (maybe google Suitcase Scholar Ghost Ranch–or just email me and I’ll send you the link and tell you about the trip.) Santa Fe is a fantastic town. And I’m willing to bet it is gorgeous in May. Enjoy!