Carry On

First Attempt In Learning (FAIL): The Worst Travel Vlog Ever

You guys. I published my first vlog. And it is so…terrible. I mean, it’s really deeply awful. I have watched more than my fair share of poorly-created web content so I am confident when I say: this is some of the worst amateur videography that’s ever been recorded.

To start, I have no idea what’s going on with the audio. I promise I will figure it out* in the future, but for now I’ve got nothing.

Further: I AM SO BAD AT TALKING TO A CAMERA. Full disclosure–I was an AV geek in high school. But I was a pretty AV geek who wasn’t camera shy, so in addition to doing editing and production things, I was also the on-camera weather girl. And I promise I was good at it. I have no idea where that ability went but I am certain it is long gone. It held hands with my pretty and together they drove a convertible over the rim of the Grand Canyon.


And finally–travel vlogging is HARD. More on why this is later–in a post blissfully lacking bad video–but for now just trust me. It’s not an easy gig. Dear travel and tourism boards: PAY YOUR VLOGGERS. This isn’t a hobby and the visit to luxury holiday cottages Woolacombe to review are not free all the time. It’s a job. One I did very, very poorly.

All of that being said, this really is my First Attempt In Learning (FAIL). Am I going to give up just because this vlog sucks? No. No I am not. Even if I scare all of you away with how perfectly miserable this is I shall persevere and subject the internet to more of this. And in doing so, I will grow as a person and a vlogger. Yes. Yes I will.

That or people will throw garbage at me and THEN I will give up.

Are you ready? Brace yourself:

Carry On with The Suitcase Scholar: Episode One

A Last Minute Trip to Ocean City Maryland

(I am so sorry)


*I filmed all of this with a GoPro Hero 5 and I will take any and all suggestions related to how to make the audio better. I understand I probably need a whole host of microphones and adapters and probably one of those gimble mounts that makes the video smooth but I don’t have any money so unless one of you wants to send me that stuff, I need to do it in post-production. Thanks for understanding!