Ultra Light Packing Tutorial: How to Travel with Just a Personal Item

If you find me waiting at a luggage carousel at any airport in the world, assume I’ve been abducted and am trying to signal to those who know me that I am NOT ok.
Because Tracy doesn’t check bags.
I’ve written about this topic in the past–for example, THIS POST, in which I outline the joys of packing cubes using words and photos. But that was three years ago. It’s mid-2019 and people don’t want words and photos anymore. They want video.
And so I bring to you: video!
Specifically I bring to you a video tutorial outlining how I really did pack for a three-day trip to Disney World in only a personal item. Actually, as you will see in the video, I packed in HALF of a personal item. Because there’s still plenty of space in that bag.
A personal item can be defined as a regular-sized backpack (like the kind a child or college student would carry to school) or a large purse. A personal item must fit under the seat in front of you. Many of you may be wondering: why? Why, Tracy? Why would you limit yourself to only a personal item? The answer is simple:
Because I am cheap.
Ok, maybe cheap is not the word. I am thrifty. Entirely out of necessity, as money is a thing and I don’t have much of it. But I love to travel. And more, I have a Disney Annual Pass but I live in Pennsylvania. So it very often comes to pass that I find myself flying a budget airline–typically Frontier, which I wrote about HERE–and budget airline fares do not include even a carry on bag. Many people are shocked and angered upon learning this. Me? I took it as a personal challenge. And so can you. I promise.
Because the other reason I do this? Don’t tell anyone but…it’s because I am lazy. I don’t want to cart a big, heavy bag anywhere. Not even for a moment. I don’t want to stand in line to check a bag. I don’t want to wait to pick up a bag. I don’t even really want to wheel a small wheeled carry on all the way to gate B30 at PHL because that gate is FAR AWAY and it’s typically 5am and I am NOT a morning person. I’m willing to bet a good deal of you are lazy too. And that’s ok! It’s all the more reason to embrace ultra light packing! Lazy people unite! Or not. You know–because we are lazy?
But I digress. Let’s get to the video tutorial, shall we?
This video was inspired by a group of amazing people in the Disney Fashionistas Facebook group which, if you are a Disney fan, you should go ahead and join right now. Go ahead–click that link. I’ll be here when you get back.
Are you back? Great. Anyway–I shared the photo which is the cover photo for this post in said amazing group and a bunch of people commented or messaged me asking how on earth I managed to pack so little for a three day trip. Many of them asked me to teach them my ways. So I created this video to show them–and you–how it can be done. Honestly, I created this video to show them–and you–THAT it can be done. Because the most important step in ultra light packing is believing you can do it.
What do you think, Suitcase Scholar readers? Is this something you’d attempt? Why or why not? Remember–as I say in the video, learning to do ultra light packing is a process. Start slowly buy utilizing only one tip from the video (hint hint: PACKING CUBES). And then check back with me in six years and let me know how you’ve gone from an overpacking addict to an ultra light packing pro!
I look forward to not running into any of you at baggage claim!
Happy travels!
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Oh yes, very nicely done! I liked the dogs coming out to play. So funny! I’ve been traveling with a smallish backpack for years, because it fits underneath the plane seat. I also have a clear toiletry bag, but I have a different problem than you. I don’t travel with small containers of anything. Whatever I’m using in the house comes with me on vacation. So that toiletry bag gets full pretty quick. I just got back from a driving holiday, so I had more room to squeeze things in my car, but I still took my trusty backpack. I also ended up with 3 ziplock freezer bags that I crammed in the backpack. One had my full sized shampoo, conditioner, and buff puff. One had my vitamins. The other had my Braun Oral B toothbrush and toothpaste and sunscreen. You forgot the tampons! Always very important to keep in the clear toiletry case. I flew from Vancouver to Fort Lauderdale, changing planes in Los Angeles. So I’m not sure where it happened, but when I got to Florida, my suitcase had a note in there from Homeland Security or Customs or whoever saying they’d opened my suitcase for a look through. Well, I gotta give them something to look at, so whether or not I need them, tampons are going to be in there! My camera bag also doubles as a purse, in fact its smaller than many purses out there. I can keep my camera, wallet, passport, and keys in there. Oh my Kindle too. So backpack and camera bag and I’m good to go. Unless I’m driving. With 2 big dogs and all their accessories and food. The dogs have more stuff than I do!
This was very helpful and entertaining! Love all the tips because they are practical. The only thing I’d add is place for my curling iron. The genius is the packing cube. Thanks for sharing!